29 jan 2008
Quran (4:74-75) "Those who readily fight in the cause of GOD are those who forsake this world in favor of the Hereafter. Whoever fights in the cause of GOD, then gets killed, or attains victory, we will surely grant him a great recompense. Why should you not fight in the cause of GOD when weak men, women, and children are imploring: "Our Lord, deliver us from this community whose people are oppressive, and be You our Lord and Master."
Quran[17:33] Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him nor exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law).
Quran ."(22:39-40). "Permission (to fight) is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and GOD is certainly able to support them. They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is GOD." If it were not for GOD's supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and masjids - where the name of GOD is commemorated frequently - would have been destroyed. Absolutely, GOD supports those who support Him. GOD is Powerful, Almighty
28 jan 2008
Fahim Afghan Warloard Wanted in The Hague !!! Holland

Mohammed Qasim Fahim
Surly Tajik
Fahim is the son of a Tajik Mullah from the Panjishir Valley. His career is uniquely hard to follow. He was intelligence chief under Masud, spawning a widely repeated but false rumor that he was in KhAD under Najibullah. Fahim is a capable commander, but a good warlord must be a diplomat too, and Fahim is an awkward looking and personally unlikable man with a temper problem. At present he is a threat to the US plan for Afghanistan.
Afghan intelligence gathering techniques are direct and medieval, and the men who work that field are stained by the stigma of torture and murder. Afghans have a saying that what you do to your enemies today, you will do to your friends tomorrow. Charismatic commanders escape blame for the cruel deeds of their men, but unlikable men like Fahim attract blame for horror stories that might not be true. Supposedly, Fahim arrested, beat, and nearly murdered Hamid Karzai in the 1990s, until one of Hekmatyar’s rockets hit the compound, and Karzai escaped in the confusion.
Masud relied on Fahim’s capable generalship without liking him very much as a person. When Al-Queda murdered Masud on September 9, 2001, the leaders in Panjishir were stunned. They had lived in the shadow of Masud’s genius for decades. They loved and hero-worshipped him. Perhaps Fahim was less stunned because he loved Masud less than the others, and stepped into the leadership gap. He assured the affiliated commanders in the north that the alliance was still solid and took the army in hand.
Fahim commanded the strongest army opposing the Taliban, and he was within miles of Kabul, the capital. But the United States needed a Pashtun to take over national leadership if we hoped to avoid a repeat of the 1990s civil war. We helped Dostum, Ismail Khan, and Atta win back the north, but delayed helping Fahim capture Kabul in hopes a Pashtun would dislodge the Taliban somewhere in the east. It never happened. Haq was captured and hung, and Karzai’s support was still too weak. So we bombed the Shomali plains, and Fahim captured Kabul, dealing the Taliban a huge defeat.
In 2002, the United States passed over Fahim and made Karzai president. Because he already commanded the army, Fahim was appointed defense minister. The interrogation years before contributed to distrust between Karzai and Fahim, by Farhan.
27 jan 2008
خوست ښاركې ځانمرګى بريدشوى
Wednesday, 23 January 2008
نن دسلواغې په دريمه نېټه دخوست ښاردمتون واټ ترڅنګ يوځانوژونكى بريدكوونكى بې له كوم مالوم لامل څخه خپل ځان الوزولى .دخوست ولايت دامنيه قوماندانۍ دمطبوعاتي دفترامرسمونوال وزيربادشاه وويل چې دغه ځانوژونكى بريدكوونكى نن په يادشوي ځاى كې بې له كوم مالوم لامل څخه ځان الوزولى چې له امله يې پخپله ځانوژونكى وژل شوى اويوه تنه ښځه برسېرنه ټپي شوېده .نوموړي وويل چې په يادشوي ځاى كې كوم دولتي اواېتلافي ځواكونه هم نه وو،اونه داسې ځاى دى چې دځانوژونكي بريدموخه يې له امله څرګنده شي .دعيني شاهدانوپروينادغه ځانمرګي دخوست ښاردمتون واټ ترڅنګ ديوۀ هوټل په زينه كې ځان والوزاوۀ .ددوى پروينا:ګمان كوي چې ځانمرګي بريدكوونكي په ځان پورې چاوديدونكي توكي له څه شي سره دټكرله امله شاړت شوي وي اوياهم دۀ غوښتل چې خپلې موخې ته درسيدولپاره تيارى ونيسي او د خپلوچاوديدونكيوتوكيولاينونه سم كړي چاودنه رامنځته شوي وي .دعيني شاهدانوله خولې پدې پېښه كې ځان وژونكى ټوټې شوى ،دوه تنه نرينه اودوې تنې ښځې پكې برسېرنې ټپيانې شوي دي ،چې اوسمهال په روغتون كې تردرملنې لاندې دي .
24 jan 2008
الجهاد ومعناه بالعربية بذل الجهد والعزم لبلوغ هدف محدد والتعبير الكامل هو الجهاد في سبيل الله وقد درجت العادة في الأدبيات الأوربية بمختلف لغاتها على ترجمة الجهاد باستعمال اصطلاح الحرب المقدسة وذلك في محاولةٍ لاستيفاءً المعنى . والجهاد ليس حرب مقدسة مدفوعة بالحقد وغايتها الإبادة ولكن وبحسب النص القرآني هدف الجهاد المحدد هو نشر الإسلام أو الدفاع عنه.
هناك عدة نصوص في القرآن يجب الاستشهاد بها حول هذه القضية : كتلك التي تدعو لنشر الإسلام بالإقناع ، وتلك التي تأمر بالقتال للتصدي لأي هجوم موجه ضد الإسلام ، وتلك التي تأمر بالحرب ولكن ليس ضمن فترة الأشهر الحرام الأربعة ، وتلك التي تأمر بالقتال في كل وقت . يجب أن تُأخذ بالحسبان قواعد الإلغاء (النسخ) أو الإبطال والتي تختلف هنا وهناك بحسب المدرسة الفقهية.
Jihad (Arabic: جهاد IPA: meaning "to strive" or "to struggle", in Arabic, is an Islamic term and considered a duty by Muslims. The term "Jihad" used without any qualifiers is generally understood to be referring to war on behalf of Islam. In broader usage and interpretation, the term has accrued both violent and non-violent meanings. It can imply striving to live a moral and virtuous life, spreading and defending Islam as well as fighting injustice and oppression, among other things. The relative importance of these two forms of jihad is a matter of controversy. The term appears frequently in the Qur'an and common usage as the idiomatic expression "striving in the way of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)". A person engaged in jihad is called a mujahid, the plural is mujahideen.
A minority among the Sunni scholars sometimes refer to this Islamic duty as the sixth pillar of Islam, though it occupies no such official status.[5] In Twelver Shi'a Islam, however, Jihad is one of the 10 Practices of the Religion.
The classifications of Jihad are controversial. Dictionaries often define jihad as "Muslim holy war or spiritual struggle against infidels," but many Muslim sources deny jihad refers to a holy war, while still others define it as combat in the way of God, making no mention of non-violent jihad.
According to scholar John Esposito, Jihad requires Muslims to "struggle in the way of God" or "to struggle to improve one's self and/or society." Jihad is directed against the devil's inducements, aspects of one's own self, or against a visible enemy. The four major categories of jihad that are recognized are Jihad against one's own self (self-perfection), Jihad of the tongue, Jihad of the hand, and Jihad of the sword.
آيات التدرج في الجهاد
الاسلام دين عملي وقد جاء ليحكم سلوكيات البشر واعمالهم و لذلك كان يراعي الطبيعة البشرية وقدرتها وتهيئتها نفسيا وكما هو الحال في كل التشريعات الاسلامية كان تشريع الجهاد متدرجا -فكان أول الامر بالصبر على ايذاء الكافرين و مجاهدتهم بالسان فقط والدعوة -ثم اذن الله لهم بالقتال-الجهاد-للدفاع عن انفسهم -وبعد ذالك الجهاد لنشر الدعوة عن طريق توفير حرية حقيقية يستطيع فيها الانسان اختيار عقيدته دون خوف ولو كانت غير الاسلام في ظل الاية الكريمة لا اكراه في الدين -وذالك يتطلب مجاهدة الملوك والسلاطين واصحاب النفوذ السياسية وغيرها ممن يحولون دون الدعوة-
تطور الجهاد في القضايا الفقهية و في تاريخ إسلامي.
يسعى الإسلام لرفع الذل عن الناس ومنع خضوعهم لغير الله؛ ويرى أن أكبر مهانة يتعرض لها الفرد عندما يعبد حجرا أو شجرا أو حيوانا؛ أو يخضع ويذل لبشر حي أو ميت أو يتخذ الأحبار والرهبان أربابا من دون الله يحلون له الحرام ويحرمون عليه الحلال ويفرضون عليه دفع الأموال ظلما وعدوانا.
ونادى الإسلام لنشر العدل والمساواة بين البشرفي الحقوق والواجبات؛ بين الغني والفقير؛ الحاكم والمحكوم؛ القوي والضعيف؛ الشريف والوضيع، العالم والجاهل، الحبر والراهب العابد والزاهد، تحت شعار واضح (لا فضل لعربي على عجمي ، ولا لعجمى على عربي ، ولا لأبيض على أسود . ولا لأسود على أبيض ، إلا بالتقوى ، الناس من آدم ، وآدم من تراب)[1]، فلا عنصرية بغيضة ولا طبقية مقيتة.
ويعبر القرآن عن ذلك بوضوح في قوله:
{يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّامِينَ لِلّهِ شُهَدَاء بِالْقِسْطِ وَلاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعْدِلُواْ اعْدِلُواْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُواْ اللّهَ إِنَّ اللّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ }المائدة8
أي يا أيها الذين آمَنوا بالله ورسوله محمد كونوا قوَّامين بالحق, ابتغاء وجه الله, شُهداء بالعدل, ولا يحملنكم بُغْضُ قوم على ألا تعدلوا, اعدِلوا بين الأعداء والأحباب على درجة سواء, فذلك العدل أقرب لخشية الله, واحذروا أن تجوروا. إن الله خبير بما تعملون, وسيجازيكم به.
كما يفرض الإسلام على الأغنياء دفع جزء من أموالهم (الزكاة على المسلمين أو الجزية على غير المسلمين) ليتم توزيعه على فقراء الناس وضعفائهم وحرم أكل أموال الناس بالباطل من النهب والسلب أو من الربا أو من الغش أو الخداع.
ومعلوم أن كل هذه القيم والمبادئ تتعارض تماما مع مصالح الطغاة والجبابرة الذين استذلوا الناس واستعبدوهم، فأعلنوا عداوتهم للإسلام والمسلمين فكان لزاما على المسلمين من إعداد العدة لمواجهة تلك المخاطر - حتى لا يؤخذوا على غرة - فأمرهم ربهم بذلك:
{وَأَعِدُّواْ لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدْوَّ اللّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِن دُونِهِمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللّهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ وَمَا تُنفِقُواْ مِن شَيْءٍ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ يُوَفَّ إِلَيْكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ لاَ تُظْلَمُونَ } الأنفال60
ولما كانت رسالة محمد للناس كافة فكان لزاما عليه السعي لرفع هذا الظلم عن الناس كافة ومواجهة هؤلاء الطغاة في أي مكان ومهما كلف الثمن؛ فكان فرض الجهاد على المسلمين لتحقيق مقاصد الدين السامية، لا يهم أن يدخل الناس في دين الإسلام ولكن المهم أن ينعموا بالعدل والأمن تحت حكمه:
{يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُواْ قَاتِلُواْ الَّذِينَ يَلُونَكُم مِّنَ الْكُفَّارِ وَلْيَجِدُواْ فِيكُمْ غِلْظَةً وَاعْلَمُواْ أَنَّ اللّهَ مَعَ الْمُتَّقِينَ } التوبة123
وهذا ما يفسر بوضوح فلسفة الجهاد في الإسلام.
21 jan 2008
20 jan 2008
Ex Moslim (Morted) Ehsan Jami

Ehsan Jami was born on April 20, 1985 in Mashhad, Iran and was raised there. His father is a doctor. His mother converted, later in her life, to Christianity. As son of a doctor, Jami enjoyed substantial privileges in the Islamic Republic of Iran and he was, for example, excused from studying the Qur'an. In an interview, Jami stated: "My grandparents were Muslim, but my father was non-religious and allowed me to find my own truth." Yet in a different interview, he described his father as Muslim. Political engagement by Jami's father forced the family to leave the country. Together with his parents and his older sister, the then nine year old Jami arrived in the Netherlands in 1994, later obtaining the Dutch nationality.
Jami studied Management Science for one and a half year in the Netherlands and joined the Labour party as member in 2003. He was elected into the city council of Leidschendam-Voorburg in the local elections of March 2006.
After 9/11 in 2001, Jami started reading the Qur'an and Hadith, after which he decided he didn't identify with either. Jami criticized Prophet Muhammad, describing him as a "criminal" Together with Loubna Berrada (founder of the Advisory Committee for Integration, part of the right-wing Liberal party), Jami founded the Central Committee for Ex-Muslims in 2007. The organisation, supported by Afshin Ellian, aims to support apostates of Islam. Berrada left the committee shortly after it was founded because she felt Jami challenged Islam itself too much, saying: "I don't wish to confront Islam itself. I only want to spread the message that Muslims should be allowed to leave Islam behind without being threatened"
On 4 August 2007, Jami was attacked in his hometown Voorburg by three men. The attack is widely believed to be linked to his activities for the committee. The national anti-terrorism coordinator's office, the public prosecution department and the police decided during a meeting on 6 August that "additional measures" were necessary for the protection of Jami who has subsequently received extra security.
In September 2007, he penned an op-ed together with PVV politician Geert Wilders for the Dutch daily Volkskrant, likening the threat of Islam the rise of Adolf Hitler's National Socialism in the 1930s. It was a response to national terrorist coordinator Tjibbe Joustra's remarks in Algemeen Dagblad, who criticized the tone used by some people in the discussion about Islam.
On October 4, 2007, Jami announced that he is working on a film project due to be released in February 2008 which he feels could be comparable in terms of controversy to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy.
12 jan 2008
کابل پوليس:٣٠جنايتکاران مو ونيول
په تيرو اونيو کې کابل د يو لړ بمي بريدونو شاهد وو چې خلکو ته يې د ځاني خونديتوب په اړه انديښنې راولاړې کړې وې
د کابل پوليس وايي د يولړ عملياتو په ترڅ کې يې لسگونو تنه وسله وال غله او د نشيي داروگانو پلورونکي نيولي دي.
پوليس په دغه ښار کې د لږ ترلږه ٢٠٠ هغو گاډو د نيولو خبره هم کوي چې،تورې هيندارې لري.
د کابل امنيه قومندان جنرال سالم احساس وايي دغه گامونه يي ددغه ښار د امنيت او ټيکاو د لا ټينگښت پر موخه پيل کړي او په دغه برخه کې ډيرې لاس ته راوړنې لري.
ښاغلى احساس وايي ددغو عملياتو په ترڅ کې شاوخوا ٣٠ تنه وسله وال غله او د نشه يي داروگانو يوشمير پلورونکي له وسلو سره يوځاى نيولي دي.
هغه ادعا وکړه چې د دغو عملياتو پر مهال يي٢٠٠ د تورو هندارو لرونکي ٢٠٠ شکمن گاډي نيولي دي چې ظاهرا دغلاو او قاچاق لپاره کاريدل.
(( په تيرو شلو ورځو کې زموږ پوليسو د کابل ښار په بيلابيلو برخو کې ١٩ ميله ناقونه وسلې،لاسي بمونه او يو شمير چاوديدونکي توکي له نا مسوله کسانو څخه ترلاسه کړي دي.))
هغه وويل چې پوليس به په کابل کې د ځانمرگو بريدونو دمخنيوي په برخه کې ډيره هڅه وکړي.
ښاغلي احساس هغه ادعاوې هم بي بنسټه وبللې چې گواکې د کابل ښار پوليس د نشيي داروگانو په قاچاقو او خرڅلاو کې لاس لري.
د کابل ښار امنيه قومندانۍ دا څرگندونې داسې مهال کوي چې،دغه ښار له دوو اونيو راهېسې د امنيت له پلوه يو څه ارام شوى ښکاري
By: Farhan
د افغانستان د لوړو زده کړو وزارت
د افغانستان د لوړو زده کړو وزارت وايي د کابل په پوهنتون کې د چينايي ژبې يوه څانگه جوړيږي چې له مخې به يې په زرگونو افغانانو ته د زده کړو تر څنگ د کار لاره هم برابره شي .
دا لومړى ځل دى چې د افغانستان په مخکښ پوهنتون کې دچينايي ژبې څانگه پرانيستل کيږي .دغه څانگه د چين په مرسته جوړيږي چې يې تړون د افغانستان د لوړ زده کړو وزير په کابل کې د چين له سفير سره لاسليک کړ.د چارواکو يه وېنا په راتلونکي لمريز کال کې به افغان زده کوونکي دغه مرکز ته د چينايي ژبې د زده کړې په موخه جذب شي . که څه هم په افغانستان کې د چينايي ژبې زده کولو ته ډير خلک ليواله نه ښکاري خو د افغانستان د لوړو زده کړو وزير محمد اعظم دادفر وايي چې ددغې څانگې په جوړيدو سره به د چين او افغانستان تر منځ اقتصادي ، سياسي او فرهنگي اړيکي نور هم پراخ شي
. ښاغلي دادفر په کابل کې د چين سفير سره په يو گډ خبري کنفرانس کې وويل له چين سره د عينکو له کان څخه د مسو د اسخراج تړون ددې لامل وگرځيد چې دغه څانگه د کابل په پوهنتون کې جوړه شي. ده وويل چينايانو د عينکو د مس په کان کې له تړون وروسته وپتيله چې په زرگونو افغان کارکوونکو او ژباړونکو ته اړتيا لري چې په چينايي ژبه بلد وي . د ښاغلي دادفر په وينا په دې څانگه کې به د چينايي ژبې په زده کولو سره زيات شمير افغانانو ته د کار شرايط برابره شي
.(( تاسې خبرياست چې څو اونۍ وړاندې دعينکو د مس تړون لاسليک شو او هلته په زرگونو انجينرانو ، کارگرانو او ژباړونکو ته اړتيا ده . نو دغه څانگه د افغان ځوانانو لپاره يو چانس دى چې چينايي ژبه زده کړي او هلته کار ومومي .همدرانگه د چين سره مو فرهنگي ، سياسي او اقتصادي اړيکي د پرمختگ په لور دي او دا ددغو اړيکو په پراخولو کې ښه گام بلل کيږي ))
. د چارواکو په وينا دغه څانگه چې د ژبو او ادبيانو په پوهنځي کې جوړېږې وروسته به دکابل په پوهنتون کې ورته د چين په مرسته يوه ودانۍ هم جوړه شي . په کابل کې د چين سفير ينگ هولن وويل ددغه ديپارتمنت په جوړولو سره به د افغانستان او چين تر منځ اړيکي نور هم پراخ شي .ښاغلي هولن زياته کړه چې د چينايي ژبې ديپارتمنت ته به له چين څخه روزونکي افغانستان ته راشي او افغان زده کوونکي به هم د روزلو په موخه چين ته وليږدول شي . دکابل پوهنتون د ژبو او ادبياتو په پوهنځي کې به له چينايي ژبې سره د بهرنيو ژبو شمير ٩ ته ورسيږي .افغان چارواکي وايي د راتلونکې لمريز کال په پيل کې به ځينې افغان زده کوونکي د کانکور له ازموينې وروسته د چينايي ژبې څانگې ته وروپيژندل شي.
چين د افغانستان گاونډى دى چې د نړۍ د پرمختللو هيوادونو په سر کې ځاى لري او صنعتي توليداتو يې د نړۍ په مارکيټونو کې پراخ ځاى موندلى دى. دچينايي ژبې زده کړه به افغان ځوانانو ته دا وس ورکړي چې له چين سره دسوداگريزو لارو چارو په موندلو کې اسانۍ سره پر مخ ولاړ شي.ځکه چې ډيرى افغان سوداگر چين ته سفر کوي او له هغه هيواد څخه سوداگريز توکي دې افغانستان بازارونو ته راليږدوي .
By :Farhan
1 jan 2008
KHOST , PALRACHENAAR TAZA NEWS له پاړه چنارڅخه ٣٥ کورنۍ پکتيا ته راکډه شوې
له پاړه چنارڅخه ٣٥ کورنۍ پکتيا ته راکډه شوې
Tuesday, 01 January 2008
د پاکستان د پاړه چنار سيمې څخه ٣٥ کورنۍ پکتيا ولايت اريوب ځاځيو ولسوالۍ ته راکډه شوي چې د ځايي خلکو سره ميشت دي ، د پکتيا ولايت د اطلاعاتو او کلتور رئيس دين محمد دروېش وايي چې نوموړي کورنۍ په سيمه کې د شيعه او سني مذهبي ډلو ترمنځ د جنګ او جګړو له امله دېته مجبور شوي چې د ډيورينډ د کرښې ديخوا پکتيا ته راکډه شي .دروېش زياتوي چې نوموړي کورنۍ زياتو مرستو ته اړتيا لري ، که دولت يا نړيواله ټولنه يې ژر مرستوته راونه دانګي نويادشوي كډوال به د زياتو ستونزو او کړاوونو سره لاس او ګريوان شي .دا پداسې حال کې ده چې يو څه موده وړاندې هم د عليزيو سيمې څخه خوست ولايت د ٢٠٠ کورنيو په شاوخوا کې کډوال راکډه شوي ؤ او دولت هم د دوی سره د پام وړ مرستې کړي وې .
Tuesday, 01 January 2008
افغانستان ته راغليوكډوالوپروينا،ديادشويومذهبي ډلوترمنځ په وروستيونښتوكې له دواړوخوانېږدې ١٨ تنه ووژل شوي اونېږدې ٢٥ تنه ټپيان شويدي .ددوى په ويناد جګړې لمن اوسمهال د ميږکو سيمې ته هم غزيدلي ده .په پاړه چنار کې دغه تاوتريخوالي د تېرې او نۍ راپدې خوا زور اخيستی چې همدا اوس د پاړه چنار په ډېرو سيمو کې حال حال جګړې کيږي اوله سيمې څخه يوشمېركورنۍ خوست اوپاكتياولايتونوته له پولې راوښتي دي اودخبرونوله مخې يوشمېرنورې كورنۍ هم راورانې دي .شيعه اوسني مذهبي ډول ترمنځي دغه نښتې په لومړی ځل روان لمريزكال دپاړه چنار په سيمه کې د لړم د ٢٧ نيټې نه د ليندی تر ٦ مې پورې پېښې شوې ، چې دهغه مهال دخبرونو له مخې پكې تر ١٤٠ پوري وګړي مړه او له ٣٠٠ څخه زيات پکې ټپيان شوي وو.كه څه هم هغه دسرحدايالات ګورنرعلي محمدجان اوركزي ديادشويودواړډلوترمنځ ترلنډمهاله پورې له اوربندوتوانيدخوداوربنددنېټې له پوره كيدو وروسته لومړۍ شخړه دپاړه چنارپه بازاركې هغه مهال رامنځته شوه چې يوشمېروسلوالودپاړه چناربازارته ناببره ورننوتل اوددوكانونودلوټولوترڅنګ يې پركورونودچورولوپيل وكړ .عيني شاهدان وايي چې ددې لوټ اوتالان پرمهال امنيتي كسان هم شته ووخودچوراوچپاول مخه يې ونه نيوله .لدې چورچپاول وروسته درنه جګړه رامنځته شوه چې ډېره كي وګړي پكې مړه اوزخميان شول اودغه اور اوس دومره پسې غزېدلى چې دميږكوسيمې ته هم رسيدلى .
Cartoons Mohammed op site Wilders

Referring to the increased presence of Muslims in the Netherlands, he said: "Take a walk down the street and see where this is going. You no longer feel like you are living in your own country. There is a battle going on and we have to defend ourselves. Before you know it there will be more mosques than churches!Later, he suggested that Muslims should 'tear out half of the Koran if they wished to stay in the Netherlands' because it contained 'terrible things' and that Muhammad would 'in these days be hunted down as a terrorist'. These statements caused strong reactions in Muslim countries such as Tunisia, Morocco and Saudi Arabia
On 8 August 2007, Wilders opined in a letter to the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant that the Koran, which he called a "fascist book," should be outlawed in the Netherlands, like Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf. He stated that "The book incites hatred and killing and therefore has no place in our legal order". On 15 August 2007, a representative of the Prosecutors' Office in Amsterdam declared that "dozens of reports" against Wilders had been filed, and that they were all being considered. Due to this position on Islam, the rapper Appa said he did not care if Wilders would be shot in the head. Wilders then charged him with threatening with death. The rapper Appa denied actual threatening, claiming he just wouldn't care and accusing Wilders of doing the same to Muslims.
World Against War Conference, Dec 2007

This conference of delegates from peace, anti-war, anti-imperialist and liberation movements across the world declares its opposition to the “endless war” prosecuted by the US government against states, peoples and movements in all parts of our planet.
We oppose the interference of the US and its allies in sovereign states, and assert the right of all peoples to self-determination. We support all people fighting for peace and against imperialism.
In particular, we demand:
An immediate end to the illegal military occupation of Iraq, which has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and displaced millions of people, a withdrawal of all foreign troops and the full transfer of sovereignty to the Iraqi people and their representatives.
A halt to all preparations for an attack against Iran, and a commitment to solve any issues through exclusively diplomatic means.
A withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan, allowing the Afghan people to determine their own future.
Justice for the Palestinian people, and an end to Israeli aggression throughout the Middle East.
An end to plans for US missile defence, and that all states actively pursue nuclear disarmament.
We affirm the solidarity of all those fighting for peace, social justice and self-determination worldwide, and commit ourselves to strengthening our unity and developing new forms of co-operation.
We therefore designate the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq as a worldwide day of action in support of the demands NO ATTACK on IRAN and TROOPS OUT OF IRAQ/AFGHANISTAN and call on all national anti-war movements to hold mass protests and demonstrations on that day.

Over 1,200 delegates from the anti war move ment across the globe came to London for the World Against War International Peace Conference in London.
Delegates from 26 countries addressed the conference, reported on developments in their regions and discussed strategy for the movement. The conference issued a declaration which is included below. There was unanimous agreement to organise demonstrations for Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and against an attack on Iran in every country around the fifth anniversary of the attack on Iraq between 15 and 22 March.
Delgates attended from Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

Over 1,200 delegates from the anti war move ment across the globe came to London for the World Against War International Peace Conference in London.
Delegates from 26 countries addressed the conference, reported on developments in their regions and discussed strategy for the movement. The conference issued a declaration which is included below. There was unanimous agreement to organise demonstrations for Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and against an attack on Iran in every country around the fifth anniversary of the attack on Iraq between 15 and 22 March.
Delgates attended from Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.

Over 1,200 delegates from the anti war move ment across the globe came to London for the World Against War International Peace Conference in London.
Delegates from 26 countries addressed the conference, reported on developments in their regions and discussed strategy for the movement. The conference issued a declaration which is included below. There was unanimous agreement to organise demonstrations for Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan and against an attack on Iran in every country around the fifth anniversary of the attack on Iraq between 15 and 22 March.
Delgates attended from Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Netherlands, Norway, Pakistan, Palestine, Poland, Somalia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States.
Abdul Rashid Dostum (born 1954) is a general and Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief of the Afghan National Army. His role as the Chief of Staff, however, is often viewed as ceremonial. He is the principal leader of Afghanistan's Uzbek community
Dostum was born in Khvajeh Do Kuh, Afghanistan. In 1970 he began to work in a state-owned gas refinery in Sheberghan, Jowzjan Province, participating in union politics. He joined the Afghan military in 1978, fighting against the mujahideen throughout the 1980s. He fought in coalition with Ahmad Shah Masoud of the Northern Alliance against Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, in 1992. The Taliban captured Kabul in 1996, forcing Dostum to retreat to Mazar-i-Sharif. When his second-in-command joined the Taliban in 1997, Dostum left Afghanistan and went to Turkey.
He is the leader of the National Islamic Movement of Afghanistan. For many years Dostum was a supporter of the Soviet backed communist government.
Written By:Farhan